Suitable printers: Samsung ML700, ML-1750, ML-1740, ML-1710, ML1750, ML1745, ML1740, ML1720, ML1710, ML1510
Suitable printers: Samsung SCX-4655FN, SCX-4655F, SCX-4650, SCX-4655
Suitable printers: Samsung SCX5835FN, SCX5635N, SCX-5835FN, SCX-5635FN
Suitable printers: Samsung CLP-415N, CLP-415, CLX-4170, SLC1810W, CLX-4195SN, CLX4190, CLX4195, CLX4170, CLP415, CLX-4195, SLC1860FW, CLX 4190, CLX 4195, SL-C1810W, CLX-4195FW, CLX-4195FN, CLP-415NW
Suitable printers: Samsung CLP-415N, CLP-415, CLX-4170, SLC1810W, CLX-4195SN, CLX4190, CLX4195, CLX4170, CLP415, CLX-4195, SLC1860FW, CLX 4190, CLX 4195, SL-C1810W, CLX-4195FW, CLX-4195FN, CLP-415NW
Suitable printers: Samsung CLP-415N, CLP-415, CLX-4170, SLC1810W, CLX-4195SN, CLX4190, CLX4195, CLX4170, CLP415, CLX-4195, SLC1860FW, CLX 4190, CLX 4195, SL-C1810W, CLX-4195FW, CLX-4195FN, CLP-415NW
Suitable printers: Samsung SCX4216F, SCX4016
Suitable printers: Samsung SLC2680, SLC2670, SLC2620
Suitable printers: Samsung SLC2680, SLC2670, SLC2620
Suitable printers: Samsung SLC2680, SLC2670, SLC2620
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